Translator for people around the world

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Finally June!!

            It's about time June came. So many things happened in the school year, but now we are free from it! I wonder how this summer will go. Last summer was just the usual stay home with my brother and play games for 8 hours a day. This year is going to be different, since my brother won't be at home. How do your summer tend to go? 

            Some good news is my new laptop. I was supposed to get one at the start of 6th grade, but I got it at the end of  6th grade. I guess that's too bad. I love this thing! Did you know that I made this blog with a I pad? Yep, its true.

          What do you think about this blog? Any thing bad about it I need to fix? Does anything work improperly. Do you have suggestions? Something that can be better? What is your rating for this blog?

10 Stars: The best blog ever!!!!!!

9 Stars: Love it!

8 Stars: It's good

7 Stars: Better than okay

6 Stars: Could be better

5 Stars: Just in the middle

4 Stars: Worse than okay

3 Stars: Very bad!

2 Stars: Horrible! Just horrible!!!!!!!!

1 Star: It's the most horrible thing in the world. Just stop making this blog!!!!!!!!

0 Stars: I would rather drink out of a dirty pond than this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for being honest!!

Japanese phases/words:

Ogenki desu ka? (How are you)

Watashi genki desu. Arigato (I'm fine. Thanks.)

Just some random anime pics 


  1. Anonymous06 June, 2014


  2. 10 Stars: The best blog ever!!!!!!

  3. Kawaii Neko07 June, 2014

    The fact that you teach us japanese and have funny pictues all the time makes it a 10

  4. Replies
    1. Anonymous07 June, 2014

      Chi-chan's blog is no were near that! It's a 10000000000000000000000000000000!!!!!
