Translator for people around the world

Friday, July 11, 2014



Now I have been getting serious on the manga me and Saru-Chan are going to make. I've made 6 characters so far and thought of what the first few pages are gonna be. 

Assassination+ is going to be about a school that teaches the school how to kill people. The school is running by the representatives of the world, so there is over 100 of these schools in the world. The students go on missions that the representatives assign them. Many students die. Others survive. Some students are spies trying to destroy the schools itself. The exercises and learning activities in the school kill the students. Takeshi and Satoru just transferred into the school in Japan. Now their crazy adventures of these two in the school await them. 

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  1. Anonymous11 July, 2014

    What a good idea

  2. I hope it comes out

  3. Kawaii Neko11 July, 2014

    I wish I was in Washington helping you and Saru - Chan

  4. alright send me the characters without color then i can color and add the animations to them on the computer.

  5. darn i was using the wrong profile.
