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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Dere contest!!!

This is going to be the Dere contest! Starting from today and next week.

The contest is about what types of dere I am.


1st catagory: If you can guess correctly the type of dere I'm to boys that I'm not friends with, Not my friend's friend, or is not my family member.

2nd catagory: If you can correctly guess the type of dere I used to be, and still have a little of. 

3rd catagory: If you can correctly guess the type of dere I am.

4th catagory: If you can guess what type of dere Saru- chan is.


1 & 2 catagory prize: You to be a character in Assassination+

3 & 4 catagory prize: You get to request something for this blog like a picture of what I and if Saru- chan wants to looks like, something that you want to advertise, put a picture you like on this blog, etc.


1. You only get to guess 1 type of dere per catagory

2. You can guess something even when someone already did

3. The answers must be in the comments

4. Your answer cannot be exactly the same

5. Saru- chan can join for catagories 1 & 2 

6. If more than 1 person is correct for a answer then a drawing will be done

7. Don't take this contest if you'll cry if you lose ( no one wants that to happen )

8. Have fun!


  1. 1: Dandere

    2: Kuudere

    3: Deredere

    4: Deredere

  2. Kawaii Neko16 July, 2014

    1: Kuudere

    2: Tsudere

    3: Dandere

    4: Tsudere

  3. 1 catagory: Kamidere

    2 catagory: Dandere

    3 catagory: Kuudere

    4 catagory: Dandere

  4. Cutie pie16 July, 2014

    1: Deredere

    2: Tsudere

    3: Dandere

    4: Deredere

  5. Anonymous16 July, 2014

    1: Dandere

    2: Dandere

    3: Kuudere

    4: Tsudere

  6. 1: Undere

    2: Dandere

    3: Deredere

    4: Deredere

  7. 1: Dandere

    2: Undere

    3: Deredere

    4: Tsudere
