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Monday, August 4, 2014

More about me

I realized that you guys barely know anything about me at all. Now you will. So, this is a post about me!

Basic info about me

English name: Christine

Age: 12

Grade: Going in 7th grade

H/c: Black

E/c: Dark brown

S/c: Pale

What were my nicknames and what was I known to be?

Food monster - I eat too much in SS.

Big boobs - Yes, I was called that in 3rd grade. Once I noticed that my boobs were getting big, I decided to make myself look like a flat chested, so no random stranger will try to rape me. I can make it work. Ask Saruchii (Saru-chan's new nickname), I look like a flat chested

Dora the explorer - My hair used to look like her's, but darker.

The smartet girl in class - Yea, I was also known by that, because I was the smartest girl, but two boys were smarter than me in one way, but I was smarter in other ways.

Dat shorty - I was one of the shortest kids, before 5th grade started

The quiet loner - I used to be one of the most shyest girls in class. I'm still shy to people in higher grades than me, so in 7th grade math when I was in 6th grade, I has only 2 friends in that class

The cool and cold girl - I hated the boys who tried to act cool, so I was always cold to them. Some people call me cool, because of the comebacks I come up with and the way I can act like a boy

The tomboy - I hate make-up and I'm lazy and messy.

The otaku, or anime girl - I think you all know why I was known to be this.

The know it all - I was called this, because I knew how to fix all of the problems and I used to give a essay long of descriptions about everything someone asked me about

Chris, Christy, Christina, Chrissy, Chi-chan, big sis - My most common nicknames

Other things about me

Hobbies - Drawing, Reading, Reading manga, Watching anime, Listening to K-pop and J-pop, and listening to rock music

Favortie food: Ramen, Pho, Sweets, Dumplings, Apples, French bread, Chocolate, Beef, Pork, Chicken


  1. That's cool

  2. Can we get info about the characters you made?
