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Thursday, September 18, 2014

Bad luck can become exciting news


Moshi moshi minna-san!

Ogenki desu ka? Watashi genki desu.

 So sometimes my bad luck can be exciting news! Weird right? Well it's really good, because I'm a Shoujo manga lover!

All right. I really can't calm down. Here's what happened.

During P.E, my teacher randomly put my class into teams of four to play baseball. Hiding my disappointment of not getting in my friends team, I smiled and studied my team. My eyes searched wildly at my teammates name on their uniforms (I don't know the names of much people in my new school). I felt as if my eyes were playing tricks with me, when I saw Evan-kun(I don't use Kun, Sama, San, and Chan at school, because no one will understand it). He is my friend's, Sarah-chan crush. 

I sneaked over a couple of teams to whisper the surprising news to Sarah-chan, when the teacher wasn't looking. She gave me a smile, but not a happy one. A one of envy. I scurried back to my group quick as a mouse before the teacher noticed. He announced everyone to pair up with someone in your team. The other girls in my group paired up together for throwing and catching practice. Oh god! I was paired up with Evan-kun. 

Us students stepped out of the gym to the grass field. On the way another friend of mine, Kate-chan and I chatted. I explained my situation to her. Evan-kun mistaken her for having a crush on him and being jealous, however I cleared that up. "You better get a shovel and dig a big hole now", loudly Kate-chan said. The popular boy who remembers me from elementary school misunderstood , yet Kate-chan cleared that up this time, teased me. "That's romantic", D.J teased. At that point, another Kristine-chan, who is also Vietnamese like me and the super pretty and popular Josie-sama (She has my respect for being so pretty and good at sports, so I'll call her sama) misunderstood. They thought I had a crush on Evan-kun. Once again Kate-chan cleared that up.

At ball practice I was too distracted to do a good job at catching the ball. My other friend, Gam-chan keep throwing the ball near me, so I picked it up and grabbed my ball on the grass a lot. Evan-kun gave me advice on how to catch the ball in bat gloves (I didn't tell Sarah-chan about this part). I've got to admit it, but his advice is benefical.

We went back to our original teams and played baseball (We do use a bat, but we don't throw the ball at the batter. The ball has a ball stand or something). The game wasn't really much to talk about other than the fact I kept looking at Sarah-chan like I when Evan and me were paired.

After the game finished, I raced to the locker room, before Sarah-chan could assassinate me. Changing quickly, I undone my side ponytail. Kate-chan had told me to run as fast as possible (I tell people to run like the wind). Sarah-chan was mad, but only a bit. I guess she knew it wasn't my fault, but she did insult me to get some satisfaction. I didn't really care though (I've been bullied enough to not care)

During passing period for second lunch (The lunch Sarah-chan and I have), I saw her and conviced her to confess to him tommorrow. That's the exciting news! I already know, he barely knows about her existance to say yes, but this would be a perfect way for them to start out as friends!

This is the awesome news. Pretty much the day was good. I can't wait for their marriage (Okay, mybe I exaggerated that)

I hope it'll turn out good! I'm going to root for her lots! 

~Chiaki Shiraishi~




  1. That's good

  2. I hope they get a good start!

  3. Wow her name is like mine. gg

  4. Oooo romance time!

  5. Kawaii (Cutie pie)18 September, 2014

    I love shoujo manga too. We are so girls.

  6. waaa onne-chan is having fun at a school and im not there. but still im the only ohniki to you right onne-chan hehe. (we made a deal) *whispers silently to others.
