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Thursday, October 16, 2014

Tutoring with Chi-chan

Tutoring with Chi-chan

Lots of people tend to have problems with homework and school, so I'll help you by answering your quetions!


Yesterday I was pretty pissed off. One thing was that my ankle healed and then gave out in the middle of P.E, so that gave me a bit of a bad mood to running with a hurting ankle. The thing that really pissed me off most was kickball. 

It was boy v.s girls keep running kickball. We used buckets for this and three people kicked at a time. Girls went to offense first. I lined up third with Kate-chan and Sara-chan in front of me, and behind me was Gam-chan. Since, I was the third in line I went to kick the ball with Kate-chan and Sara-chan.  We played fair and had fun.

When it was the boys turn, the boys had three outs the first time! However the catch was that they denined it and so that was cheating! The other times, when the teacher wasn't paying attention, the boys sneaked over to next base! Cheaters! They not only did that, but also lied about the scores! Wow! Why are some boys (Not all boys) scared to lose to girls. They didn't do this when we played without the Boys V.S Girls thing.

Messing around in lunch

As I explained in my older posts, when my lunch group is done eating we go out in the outside lunch area and chat. This time was pretty fun, but in a way not fun. I wa looking though Truacy-chan's binder for fun(I felt like it). I found her assginment for a clas where you write a letter to your future self. 

When I began reading it, Traucy-chan snatched it and crumbled it, but I got ahold on it, while Sam-chan(My very cray-cray friend) pinned down Traucy-chan. I speed read it. Later when I gave it back to Traucy-chan(Sam-chan was still pinning her down), Traucy couldn't get up, because her knee hurted too much. I and the nurse carried her to the office, while Sam-chan is reading the future letter. 

I and Sam-chan got her things and brought it to the office. "Your letter was funny,"commented Sam-chan. "Wow, thanks,"Traucy-chan saracaticly (Oh I didn't spell it right, but you know what I mean by that) replied. "Your letter was.. was nice,"I said stuggling for the right word to say. "Gee thanks,"Traucy-chan once again saracasticly replied. 

After school, I was rushing to get to the Boys' and Girls' club van and I saw Traucy-chan. She said she was fine.

My school trys to hard to act cool

I really mean when I make that the title! It's like the students are rapping "About a week ago, week ago"(They also have another 'cool' rap line, that I forgot). I like wtf, because what kind of rapping line is that. They also do stuff like "You want to go right now". Of course that means 'you want to fight', but I haven't even seen one single kick.  I've seen other kids do stuff like act all fast, but in the end they mess up. Another thing they do is like act like they aren't scared, but I've seen how scared they can be and I'm alone in that corner laughing at them.This school is stuggling too hard! 

My advice to you all is not to act cool like that, otherwise you'd jut look like a idoit.


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