Translator for people around the world

Friday, May 16, 2014

I am sooooooo excited today! Why? Because I am making a scheme with my BFF! (A.K.A my new co-host of this website and my student I teach Japanese to) 

So before I get in straight to the details of my bestie's ambition and mine I should back down on some others things so everything makes sense. 

Me and my BFF ( I'm just gonna call her A from now on, because I didn't ask permission to put her name on this website) are butlers ( not real ones) of our friends. My master is D and A's master is S. All of us are in the same middle school and grade. They are the ones that our plan is to fool. 

Now to the reason of why we want to fool them. 

D and S are in drama together.  Today they got a project, which needed them to act out a part of a play together. This is a BIG part of their grade, so they practiced in lunch. All four of us have lunch together. A pretended to act like today is her last day in school, but it didn't fool any of us, since we know that she is moving to a different school on the end of the year. "Don't worry A. Everyone has the moment that you are bad at acting. You just have it all the time", insulted D. Disappointed A tried to prove her point by doing another act, however .......... none of us fell for that one. -_- D and S kind of insulted A again, so that was enough. After eating A and I cleaned up and went outside the cafeteria to have a private chat like we always do. It not against the rules, since there is always the lunch ladies outside the cafeteria waiting for anyone else to come up to them to buy lunch. During our chat we decided what we needed to do to prove that A can act. 

Now for the good part, the details.

As BFFs we never got in a single fight before, and I mean NEVER. We will pretend to be in a fight with each other, which I very hard, because of our awesome friendship. 

The fight is about who is a bigger fan girl of Sebby from black butler. We are going to tell everyone we know except for D and S obviously. So they will be the only ones who won't know. 

Now for the script. Feel free to make any changes Ayumu. (A's Japanese name) I guess it won't matter if I say your Japanese name, because its not her real name.

A is Ayumu. C is Chiaki my Japanese name.

Situation one

If S or D say something like this : It's just about anime. What's the big deal. Besides he not even 

C or A says to D: What about that Bill Younger you always talk about. Anyways you hate anime or any animation. 

A or C: Because it's childish like Disney isn't. Or because it' for 18 years old and older. It's called being mature

C or A says to S: What do you know about anime?

A or C: You haven't even watched one episode of Black Butler yet.

Situation 2: 

D or S says: That is soooooo stupid! Why would anyone have a fight about that?

A or C: You don't know the slightest thing about anime!

C or A: Because Sebastian is my dream guy.

Situation 3: 

S or D says: You two are way to out of control!

A or C: Like the karate girl isn't.

C or A: Says the one who has breakdowns and needs therapy for controlling your behavior.

What' s your suggestions and comments? Like the plan?


  1. Anonymous16 May, 2014

    Good job thinking of that nice revenge! Could you teach some Japanese Chi-Chan? I would love to learn some.

    1. Good idea Chi-Chan and Anonymous

  2. KawaiiNeko21 May, 2014

    I do wanna learn some Japanese.

    Muahahahaha I just love renvenge
