Translator for people around the world

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Hello! The first time Ayumu Saruwatari and I acted out the scheme,  S and D didn't see us do it. We acted it out again, but I wrote acting lines that got mixed up.  S and D fell for it, but it didn't really bother them much. A while later I was talking sarcastically, but S didn't really get it, so I said," Do you know what sarcasm is?" "Of course I do", Answered S. "Suurrreeeee you do", I responded. "I am disappointed in you C as my butler", D said. "Excuse me, but was I talking to you", I snapped. Everyone gasped. D fired me. Afterward I told them that it was all a set up and I was Acting rude. Everyone fell for that one. I laughed a lot. They actually fell for it! 

Anyways, I feel bad now. D is going to India till August and as I mentioned in another post all of my friends are going to a different school than me, so I won't see her anymore. :( :{ :'(

I've been getting requests for teaching Japanese , so the Japanese words are

Gomenasai: Sorry

Shikata ga nai: It can't be helped.

1 comment:

  1. Nice!
    And sad for D, since it' stand last time you'll see her
