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Sunday, June 8, 2014

I got a help request from Anonymous

Here's the problem: Anonymous

I'm just always jealous of my friend!! She is way better in math class than me. I can't stand it, because I used to be the smartest kid in class and I'm gonna rage soon, because of all of her bragging. Thanks for helping.

My advice is:

1. Have you talked to her about it? It might help since she understand how you feel about her bragging.

2. Think about the things your good about. You never know that she can be jealous of you.

3. Everyone is different. You have your talents and she has hers. Find your special talent inside you, because there are things you are good at too.

4. When you were the smartest, did you brag about it? If you did then this can be her way of getting back at you.

Alright, that's all I have. What advice do you have for Anonymous.