Translator for people around the world

Friday, June 13, 2014

Join me on Skype! My username is Chiaki.Shiraishi364 and my name is Christine Pham on Skype. I live in Seattle, Washington. That's enough information for you to find me. I'm usually not on, so make a appointment by sending me a note. Thanks!

I'm sick today. It turns out that I'm allergic to some medicine. I guess that's too bad.

 Ayumu and I want to make a anime show called Assassination+.  Guess whats it about. Comedy is included and some stuff that's not for kids. Yeah, I have a bit of a dirty mind. Well.... maybe more than a bit, but Ayumu won't not approve of any of it. Don't worry though, because I will have censors.

If you love love dirty shit then listen to the stereotypes song, unless if you already did. I wrote the lyrics in my SS notebook a while ago to show my friends. Two laughed at it. One (Ayumu) kinda freaked out. One didn't understand it. Others laughed and freaked out a bit and/or didn't understand the meaning of a word.
I downloaded the song in my phone. This may be offensive to some people.


  1. Anonymous13 June, 2014

    LOL!!!! I love dat song. It been long since i heard it.

    Get better Chi-Chan!!!!!

  2. I think your show is gonna be perverted, most likely a Harem and has killing people in it.

    Get well soon Chi-chan

    Lol the stereotypes.

    Ayumu i gonna go cray cray from your dirty ideas, won't she.

  3. Kawaii Neko13 June, 2014

    Ayumu can't stand some jokes?

  4. Senpai!!!! NOOOOO your sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ayumu and you won't be able to agree on a idea, since yours is all about smexy girls

  5. Anonymous13 June, 2014

    Honto? Ayumu-san can't take a joke and your sick. Senpai, get better soon

  6. Ayumu is a lolicon so I can't really blame her for freaking out

  7. wow onne-chan, saying bad words is not like you. are you feeling ok?: P

  8. excuse me i can take a joke. and watch it Chi-Chan knows what happens when i get mad.
