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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Poll and other stuff

First off, there's more news from my post , Bad luck can become exciting news.

Well, Sarah-chan made Kate-chan write a confession note. Sarah put that she likes him and is locker 101A. During P.E he didn't seem any different, so I told Evan-kun. When I asked him to give her a answer he was really annoyed. I guess he is the type that avoids love. It doesn't matter much, because it turns out Sarah-chan is the type to like any cute boy.

Second of all, nothing much has changed. I'm that quiet emotionless girl. In P.E we did the pacer test. Tomorrow is the science test and I'm to lazy to study. I'll do it in the morning. For La, I have to make a Wanted poster of a Greek mythology olympian god/goddess. I choose Hera (Juno).

Third is the poll. Within two month there will be a title cover poll. Saruchii and I will be making title covers in these two months. Since I'm lazy I'll only get one cover done.




  1. Your drawings are super good Chi-chan! I can't wait for the title cover!

  2. im actually designing the cover lol

  3. im doing the background the title and the cover stuff and weapons hehe lol all on the computer.

  4. Sarah-chan likes boys, because of their looks? Not good
