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Wednesday, October 1, 2014

 looks cooler up close but if you can't tell what it is its a drawings I drew on my hand when I was bored. Its supposed to be like I'm a robot and the lines are making my hands move. I'm not guise finished because I need a red pen. Anyone have one? I'm thinking of putting red on the dots so like they are bolts stuck in my hand and it will cool and realistic. I shall tell you all the story of the scar hand. So Christine mite remember me in 6th grade drawing a scar on my hand and it looked soooo realistic. I took a red, black, and a blue pen at lunch at school and drew it on my hand and luckily we had 2nd lunch so it was almost the end of the day and so after school I used to have a after school swim place I went to and o showed my friends and one of them fainted after seeing it. The teacher flipped. It was awesome then after told them it was a drawing they laughed so hard. Well sayonara mina.

