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Friday, October 10, 2014


The winner is Sara!
(I haven't drawn the request yet, so gomenasai)

Minna-san, ogenki desu ka?

Today I have no school!!
(No, I didn't get sick)

My Ankle

Although, I am extremely cautious when it comes to things like getting kidnapped, I'm very clumsy.

Yesterday, like all days I got to the Boys & Girls' club. The club has a van that picks up everyone from school. Unlike everyone else, when we arrive at the club, everyone rushes out, however I am always waiting, until the last person leaves, and then I go out. 

When I walked out my ankle was unsteadily like always and I nearly tripped. I was able to catch my balance, but not before my ankle was injured. Don't worry, I can still walk and I can hide it from all of the people there. Only my brother knows. My ankle is healing slowly, so that's good news. 

Surprise Surprise!
I decided to give out part of the story of Assassination+!

Sakura is my character. She is a powerful tricky and harsh girl. She is a kuudere. Her outfit she tends to wear is a short kimono. Her logic i never to ever be wrong, because she is a mastermind. She does most things by hand and is very formal. She almost never relies on machines and  others. She only speaks when needed to. Her hair is long and is done with two polished sticks

Sakura's pastime (Sakura pov):

Because of this disease of mine, I was despised. As my family's free servant, I did everything, even though it was challenging. Even if I was going to breathe my final breath any second. That old man of mine got drunk every day resulting into torturing me. That woman made me do all of her work. My sisters and brothers treated me like a slave. I only ate a few snacks a day. At school no one liked me. Bullied every day, starved every day, worked every day, tortured every day, suffering every day, pitied every day. When will it stop? 

Day after day was a horrifying restless day. When the woman and my old man consumed all of the money we had, accusing me I was forced to go get a job, but why would anyone hire a 5 year old diseased girl that was detested all throughout village?
Racing all over the village I eventually come across a scientist, named Kana who would pay a great deal of money for a test subject for an experiment. I was employed to this occupation.

          Bring back the money after agreeing, I gazed at the satisfied looks on that awful family. Skipping school I hustled to the Kana’s lab. She put a tiny tattoo on my body. I drank a chemical mix she handed to me of a mix of BaSO4, SO2Cl2 , TeBr2, and HC12H17ON4SCl2.Shooting a quick glance to her after the tests, she was jotting down the results. “Nothing on the subject changed”, she told another scientist. Stepping out of the lab, I had felt relived.

          The subsequent day, I was sold, sold to a stranger. The following hour I was put in chains. Here I would work. Working with no escape from this unknown company I was put in. That day I realized how naïve I’ve been thinking someday I’d be happy. Other children besides me had the same expression I did working as a slave on chains, agony, pain, misery, distress, sorrow. There was no joy in our lives. Why did it have to be this way? Why was life so dreadful?

3 years have passed. The disease created many problems for me, however I endured it. I had gotten well-built from working and carrying many tremendous loads. The work got effortless for me as time passed. I felt as if I were a super human. Once a few more months passed I decided to take action for once, instead of being pushed around. I broke off the chains of mine and everyone’s, while our master’s were away. I fractured the wall at ease. How was this possible? Us slaves fled and went our separate ways. It shouldn’t be achievable for me to do that, but how did I do it?

Living in the forest near a waterfall was my new daily life. The disease no longer affected me as much. Impossible! I thought that every day. Impossible, impossible, impossible! How did these miracles ever happen to me? Such things couldn’t exist. Nothing in my life was ever decent, so why is this happening? Life is only torment, not a happy fairy tale, so why? My mind pondered at this question for a few more hours, until I considered the fact that the chemicals may have gone to have an effect on me years later it entered my body.

Once I heard human footsteps I hid. The footsteps were faint as if it was from 10.294827 miles away. The person was alone. What was an idiot doing in the deep dangerous forest unaccompanied. Taking a closer peek, I reckon it was a boy. I presume he was 11 years old. I began calculating and evaluating him. He has no fear of wild animals and has killed. I only estimated this for he was calm. He can’t be just stupidly wandering with no purpose, if it’s this deep in the forest. His came without supplies. I don’t understand why. Is he so foolish to believe he can survive. Tch. If I were his mother, I’d sure give him a big scolding.

The tattoo on his right shoulder matched mine. He’s a test experiment like me. Was he looking for his own kind? The chemical must have given him some sort of power like mine, since he came to this area unarmed. He swiftly and silently dashed everywhere. He is definitely is looking for me. My eyes can determine his pace to be an average of 1126 steps per a minute. He’s slow. My average pace is 1643 steps per minute.

He shouldn’t be able to notice my presence. It would take him 8.8809946714 minutes to get to where I am. With the trees in the way, 2.5920245 minutes longer. He isn’t going straight to my way, so 36.4952501 minutes to notice me and 5.395868 minutes to come to me. That’s a total of 53.3641372714 minutes to find me, unless if I move elsewhere. I wasn’t wrong of course. It did take him 53.3641372714 minutes to find me. I look at him disappointed that he didn’t find me any sooner.

“Hey, aren’t you one of us?”, his exclaimed.
“Aren’t you an idiot? It took you nearly an hour just to find me. You weak,” I insulted him. “If you’re going in the deep area of a forest you should at least bring supplies and other people.”
“Pfft. I don’t need to. Why the hell are you here?”
“Been living here for 4 months. Unlike you I don’t have a place to go back to”
“Then you can come with me”
“Why the hell should I trust you?”
“What would I do? Just cause I’m strong doesn’t mean I’d hurt a little girl”
“Humph. Hurt a little girl? You’re weak. Your pace is 1126 steps per a minute. It took you 53.3641372714 minutes to find me,” I said rather coldly. “Your steps are extremely loud. You would attract too much attention to wildlife that way. You may be strong or not, but you have no self-awareness of your surroundings at all.”
“Well, you’re a harsh kid. I’m here just to find my twin brother Atsuya”
“No one else is here in a 100,000 mile radius. You came here without a thought, didn’t you?”
“How should I know?”
“Humph. You’re determined, yet you didn’t use your brain. What’s your name?”
“Niki, Tatsuya is my name. You should be less rude to people”
“Idiot. Why would you give your name to a stranger?”
“Because you asked me! It would be rude not to.”
“Rude or not you were Irrational to do so. How thoughtless”
“Are you going with me or not!” He snapped.
“You’d be only trouble for me”
“Find I’ll go damn it. Yesh”
“There’s a child 570,937.49639 miles west from here. He may be your brother”

I disappeared into the shadows unseen, before he finished his words. He was left there a bit confused, yet he went on his way. I did my first smile. To think there was nice humans. I used to find most people distasteful. Good luck you imprudent boy.
From that day, it’s been three years. I decided to let go of my past and to head off to the city. I race past multiple villages. One mile left.

Ahh, the city. The birds chirped. Students riding on bikes to school. It was like paradise. The pleasant smell of sakura delighted me. The streets flawless unlike my hometown. It must have been 7:00a.m. I quickly glanced at my newly sewed kimono. Most were wearing clothes of the west. Did I stand out too much? Many faces I’ve never seen before stole glances at me. Maybe it was because I looked like a lost child. No, I didn’t. I like I was 14 years old. It was because I wasn’t in a school uniform like all of the other kids.

“Hey are you lost kid?”, said a familiar face. “Come with me.”
“No thank you. I’m very fine,” I replied politely.

There was no mistake of it. It was Atsuya. Tatsuya’s hair was darker than his. He had an evil aura around him. I whispered closely in his ear as I passed him.

“Humph. I’ll break your neck the next time I see you tricking a kid, got it”

He blinked a twice surprised. He must have not expected this. A wicked smile came across his face. I did the same. We were thinking of the same thought. This kid got some guts.

Tatsuya ran up to Atsuya, however he ran as slow as an average teen. He was giving a scolding to Atsuya for trying to trick kids. I hid behind them within the shadows.

“That girl is interesting. She’s thoroughly brave enough to tell me she’d break my neck for tricking another kid. That’s cute, isn’t it?”
“She said that? She doesn’t look like she’s a citizen form here. I remember every face in this island. Her clothing looks too expensive to be a street kid”
“Eh. This makes her sound like more fun”
“We’re not going to assault her”
“Oh is that so, Tatsuya and Atsuya,” I said outside when I stepped outside of the shadows.
“How do you know our names,” Tatsuya uttered bewildered.
“He he,” I giggled sticking my tongue out.
“Heh. You know who we are. Looks like she’s a threat, so we can kill her,” Atsuya smirked.
“We should get all of the information out of her first,” Tatsuya suggested.
“Boring,” Atsuya commented.
“Oh, you don’t to worry about me, you former test subjects. Aren’t you going to be late for school,” I chimed in.
“Shit! I am late for school” Squeaked Tatsuya.
“He He,” I giggled.
“I don’t care. Let’s kill her first. She’s got dirt on us,” insisted Atsuya.
“Yeah. Try to kill me in public,” I joked
“Atsuya, you distract her, while I get the teachers,” Tatsuya said telepathically.
“Why can’t we fight her?”
“Just do it”

I pretended to look confused and not to be able to her them. Let them think they’re winning for now.

“Hmm. You two are quite silent. No matter, you can’t beat me,” I interrupted.

Tatsuya sped with a pace of 20 steps per minute to look alike a regular boy.
The Atsuya and I moved to an empty alley way. The fume of the alley was similar  to my slave factory. The graffiti distinctive colors and handwriting reminded me of the streets in my hometown. The trash plasters the filthy polluted concrete. He was the first to strike with his fist, creating a forceful wind along with it. I sidestep to evade.

(Tatsuya Pov.)
          In a flash, I barged in the office. The teacher’s gave me a raging glare.

          “Would you care to explain this?” asked the principal firmly.
“A threat! A girl is tremendously suspicious! She knew my and Atsuya’s name! She is not in the database of this island either! Atsuya is buying us time!”
“You’re excused for your behavior. Track Atsuya now”
“Yes sir!”, replied the assistant principal.
“As for you, Tatsuya, you’re coming with us”
“I understand”, I stated.

We waited for about 2.354 minutes to track Atsuya down. Once he was found, the three of us and two other teachers darted to the location, an alley way.

(Sakura Pov)

He was no good in fighting. I dodged every jab easily. It was child’s play for me. I giggled at his frustration. I didn’t fight back at all, even so, he couldn’t win this fight.

“Your teachers and Tatsuya is coming here in 2.49572502 minutes,” I informed.
“Oh, is that so? You were able to listen to our telepathic conversation. You’re another test subject, aren’t you?”
“Oh, you didn’t know that when I am dodging every single attacks of yours”
“You damn bastard!”
“He he”
“I’ll make sure you won’t be able to giggle after this”
“Let’s see then”

He’s reckless like Tatsuya. The more I angered him, the hastier he fought.

 “Oh my, looks like I have more company”
 “So, you’re the threat, huh. I can’t sense much power from you. You would be a D level threat,” the man concluded.
“This is my principal. Just look at the trouble you caused us,” Tatsuya implied.
“You went to the trouble for me. It’s an honor then,” I chuckled.
“Don’t think you can beat the six of us,” warned a woman, who I would guess to be a teacher.
“I’d just give you the same warning,” I cautioned.
These people are careless to think they can beat me like this, if they couldn’t tell I’m hiding my power, so I wouldn’t expose it to other test subjects.

“Let’s see what will be the turn of fun events then,” I assured.

The principal begins with a bullet from a pistol shooting aimed at the center of my heart. I slash it without delay in a symmetrical half. I grinned. The teachers go all out on me. One attempts to slice me. Another tries to smash my head on the walls. I promptly dance to avoid the attacks. At once, I can see Tatsuya pointing arrows at me, while Atsuya is abruptly endeavor to cut me with his sword. I prevent an ample of blows with my katana.

It’s been 11 hours, 36 minutes, and 35.39 seconds, however the fight is still continuing. The twins are drained. The principal is still shooting at me, intensely. The number of teachers increases significantly. Now there is 20 teachers in one alley way. They all try their best to not kill me. No one dares to go and watch, interrupt, or set bets on the fight.
I could see how much they’re struggling, but the truth is, I’m going to get weary soon. The principal orders to stop the fighting.
“Why?” many teachers and the twins ask confused.
“She hasn’t fought back even once. What is your purpose?” the principal asked.
“Oh, I was here to see if Tatsuya Niki found his twin three years ago,” I replied. “Looks like he doesn’t remember me though.”
“You were that girl!” gasped Tatsuya.
“What girl?” demanded Atsuya.
“Let us get this situation sorted out in the school,” the principal broke in.
“Alright, Mr. Principal,” I agreed.

At the school Tatsuya explained it all. The school looked like a normal high school, just a bit bigger. The inside of the school was shiny hallways. The windows sparkled.

“Three years ago, I was lost in the forest looking for Atsuya. I found her and talked to her. She suggested me to go west 570,937 miles and so I did and found Atsuya and we got out of the forest,” Tatsuya explained.

The principal nodded slightly.
“I see,” he said. “Since, you are a test subject like all of us, won’t you join the school?”

“Of course,” I replied.

This is the start of my new life. I can leave my past and move forward now. Life isn’t only about agony, because it has cheerful moments. I’m ready for what lies ahead of me.

 Did you guys like it? Saruchii's character has a pastime too, but you'd have to ask for her permission to put her story up. I might change bits of my story, because mine doesn't match Saruchii's. Or maybe we can have you awesome people give us suggestions. 




  1. Good story!

  2. Such a sad story with a good ending!

  3. I liked how you use more than one pov

  4. Can we hear Saruchii's story?

  5. Hope your ankle gets better and nice story

  6. Kawaii Neko12 October, 2014

    I like Sakura
