Translator for people around the world

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

To our follower kawaii neko-Chan

I heard what is going on and my advice to you is to either ignore her and let the problem role of your back like it is nothing, or tell her how you feel about the problem, ive been having problems with my friends and that is what I do.
Good luck and smile :)



  1. I missed school so now I need to no how 2 write equations of line parallel & perpentiuclar 2 a equation of a line

  2. Can you teach me how to do transformations of lines?

  3. Well you do know what parallel lines are correct? If not they are two lines that will never intersect. They are straight basically. For transforming lines you would as a line called the transversal line, the transversal line intersects in between the two parallel lines making you get a pair or set of angles between the parallel lines and transversal, names are conditioning angles, alabaster interior angles, alternate exterior angles. The conditioning angles are two angles that are similar, interior angles are angles inside and only inside the lines exterior its the opposite of interior. Well here are the basics for you. :-)

    1. That's not what I meant. I mean like if Y=3x+4, then what i the translation, Reflection, and Rotation of the line. What do I do to change the equation to make a translation, reflection, and rotation?
