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Sunday, November 2, 2014

Weekend Fun?

Nee nee Minna-san

My weekend isn't exactly what you'd call a fun one. That's the reason why the title has a question mark.

Halloween Update

Let's start off with what I did in Halloween first though. I did as I said in my last post, where I'd go to school as Pikachu and at home as a cat. Lots of people said,"Hey Pikachu!" to me or asked for a high five. I really did like that costume and others said it was cute. In school, kirigumi costumes were the most popular and I might have been the only one to wear a summer kirigumi costume, although that's not bad, because it shows my uniqueness. Truacy-chan took year book pictures. At home, I didn't go trick-or-treating, but I watched the movie 'Halloween' on Halloween. Lol. 

Birthday on Saturday

It wasn't my cousin's birthday on Saturday. It's actually on the Thursday on the Halloween week. I went to my grandparents' restaurant to celebrate it. I don't find much interest of that place though. Most of the time I end up sitting in a chair, staring at a wall. When my Uncle #6(This is how Vietnamese people call their Uncles and Aunts. Uncles and Aunts are called differently from which side their family is on like if your on the father's side and called differently from whose older and younger) told me to bring his phone to my Aunt #3. I was a bit jumpy at the time and a corner turn, my Uncle #2 was holding a bowl of  fresh pho and spilled it on me, but my instincts brought me away from it, so the hot pho only spilled on my left thighs. 

It was hurting soo much. Damashite Gomenasai. That's not actually it. I was surprised that it didn't hurt as much I expected it. My mom scolded me and told me to go to the bathroom. I did as I was told. 

Later my mom got me ice, even though I didn't need it. My burning marks are mostly gone. Only a few that are about 2 centimeters long stayed. I'm perfectly fine. I got burned by hot glue guns a couple times before.


  1. Wow. You got burned by fresh pho and you are fine

  2. I totally need your help Chi-chan and Saruchii!!!! Ok so my friend is mad at me and makes fun of me, because her crush asked me out. Now she flirts with my crush. Arigato.

    -Kawaii Neko
