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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Nee nee Minna-san!

So as you know so far Yamadashi, Sara (Saruchii's character) and Hashimoto, Sakura (My character) from our manga we are making have pasts that don't match each other. 

If you haven't read the pasts then,

Sara lives in a rich family, yet she is the black sheep. When she as six years old she came back home only to find her dead family. A strict sadist principal, whom only to be called sir had taught her to be his assassin. He deleted her memory. Sara meets the twin and lives off of stealing with them. Sara starts dating Atsuya. They ae eperated at a forest and Kiriga steals something idoitcally. They meet at a river from Sara's glowing red eye. They go in a school and the principal is the man named sir. Sara ends up living in his office. She tried to escape, however failed and sir injected a disease that makes her mind incontrollable sometimes.

Sakur is distested and tortured by everyone, because of her disease. She works worse than a slave, because of her family and only eats leftovers. Her family used all of their money making Sakura need to get a job fast. The only job she could get is to be a test experiment. Nothing changed after the experiment, or so she thought. The following day, she was sold off to a starnger and worked in a factory with other children for years. The effects of her disease wore off and she escaped. She ended up living in a forest. She meets Tatsuya when his twin brother is lost and directs him where to go and insults him. Years later she goes in the city. She shes his twin and breaks out in a fight with his twin when Tatuya runs to get help from the principal and teachers. The help arrives and a bigger fight breaks out for hours. The principal asks why isn't Sakura fight back. Tatsuya reconizes her after her answer. Sakura joins the school.

We are currently having a problem of making the both of them work, so we need to hear your suggestions!

In the manga there will be twins. One is evil (Alayna calls him Shiaki, but I call him Asuya, because Shiaki is a surname) the other is like a angel (Tatsuya, but Alayna calls him Kiriga even though that's also a surname). Sakura falls in love with Tatusya and Sara falls for Atsuya. 

So Saruchii wants to make the story more drama-ish and I prefer comedy, but has drama times and sad times. 

Please only comment the advice and thanks for helping us!

1 comment:

  1. What if Sara met a nicer principal of that school and went to the school after her family's death and the principal is stern, but has a nice side like chi-chan's story and sara's chemical had a mix up so she got the disease and never lost her memory. Just a quick suggestion, so if you don't like it, don't take it
